Hassle Free Early Orthodontic Treatment with Invisalign First | Enoch & Lamei Orthodontics

Kids around the ages of 7 and 8 yrs. of age often show warning signs of orthodontic problems such as crowding of the teeth, too much space between the teeth, jaw growth problems, protruding (buck) teeth, and bad bites.  These problems can be inherited, caused by injury to the mouth, early or late loss of baby teeth, and even thumb-sucking habits.  Oh… and don’t forget breathing problems caused by allergies and enlarged tonsils and adenoids.

Correcting the growth of jaws and certain bite problems helps make room for permanent teeth and realign jaws while kids are growing and would not normally have a chance of coming in correctly if left unattended.  In the past, before all the permanent teeth erupted, kids wore bulky retainers, braces on few permanent teeth that easily broke, and uncomfortable appliances that irritated lips and cheeks.  Now, however, there is a new alternative available to parents and kids to make early Orthodontics easier and much more comfortable with Invisalign First.

What is Invisalign First?

It is the next generation of Invisalign products which allows children who are still growing to avoid traditional metal braces and retainers just like teens and adults.  Invisalign First is designed to gradually expand the jawline of a growing child by the first master trained Invisalign First orthodontist such as Dr. Enoch and Dr. Lamei who specializes in early orthodontic care. and completed the many hours of training required to treat kids with their many early orthodontic challenges.   

Invisalign is only available for growing children. For adults and teens who are seeking dental corrections, alternative treatment products are available, such as Invisalign Full, Invisalign Teen, and Invisalign Express.

How does it Work?

Invisalign First works by expanding and contouring your child’s jawline and/or dental arch expansion by changing your child’s teeth over time to increase the width of their dental arch.

  1. Treatment starts with a consultation to determine if your child is eligible for Invisalign First.
  2. If approved, [doctor name] can begin taking pictures, x-rays, and impressions of your child’s teeth that same day. Then everything is sent to an Invisalign lab where a custom Invisalign First aligner or tray, will be made for your child.
  3. It will take a few weeks until the custom aligner is ready. Once the aligner is ready, your child will be scheduled to come back for [doctor name] to fit the aligner to your child’s smile.
  4. Over time the device will move your child’s teeth as prescribed and new retainers will be needed for the following phases of treatment.
  5. Depending on your child’s needs, he or she may require a full pair of aligners or just one aligner. Certain teeth may require attachments to be placed on their surface. These attachments will help direct pressure to the necessary teeth requiring movement.